Dining Out: Thanjai’s Indian crepes and pancakes are flat-out delicious

Dining Out: Thanjai’s Indian crepes and pancakes are flat-out delicious

I have fond memories of eating dosas — those, large, tangy, South Indian crepes filled with delectable vegetarian stuffings — as far back at the early 1990s in Ottawa, at the Little India Café in the west end, which is still going strong, and at now-shuttered Roses Café locations, which were owned by Subodh Mathur, who passed away two months ago, may he rest in peace.

Since then, I’ve always been happy to come across dosas on various menus. But few dosas delivered the savoury pleasures, never mind the thrill of discovery, of those introductory experiences. Lesser examples have been heavy, grainy or marred by cold stuffings.

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